Welcome to Global Technical Services
M’s. GLOBAL TECHNICAL SERViCES ( GTS) was founded in the year 1999 by Mr. K. B. Mathur, who is the Founder Director of the Company, having about 52 years of working experience in Senior Management positions with Indian Oil Corporation, Gulf Oil Corporation and Reliance Petroleum. The Company is involved in providing solutions and services relating to “TOTAL LUBRICATION MANAGEMENT”, a tool to improve Mechanical Maintenance and Cost Reduction in Manufacturing.
The Company, GTS, now 21 yrs. matured is involved in providing the services of “Machine Lubrication” to major Cement manufacturing companies and to Mining Industry in India. The employee strength at present is about 280 consisting of Technicians and Managerial staff. The company is involved with about 50% of major Cement Manufacturing Companies in India. These Cement and Mining Companies have “outsourced” the entire lubrication activity of their Plants and Mines to Global Technical Services (GTS). GTS has positioned all ‘world class’ Lubrication / Oil Testing equipment and Technical manpower at each work site.
The Cement and Mining Industry has experienced and acknowledged the with the association of GTS that lubrication being the fulcrum of “mechanical maintenance” has achieved good results. Therefore by institution of good lubrication practices, industries achieve cost reduction with regard to mechanical maintenance costs, and reduction in enerqy consumption, besides oil conservation a vital national need.
Presently, GTS is providing services related to Total Lubrication Management on single window basis (out-sourced model) to the following esteemed customers.
1. ACC Ltd.
2. Ambuja Cements Ltd
3. Lafarge India (Largest Cement Company in the world)
4. Nuvoco Vistas Corpn. Ltd. (formerly Lafarge India Ltd.)
5. Asian Concretes & Cements
6. UltraTech Cement Works
7. Hindustan Zinc Limited, S. K. Mines (Rajasthan)
8. Hindustan Zinc Limited, Oil Testing Laboratory (COTL) at Rampura Ahuja Mines (Rajasthan)
9. Komatsu India Pvt. Ltd., (Kowa Centre – Nagpur) Oil Testing Laboratory
Total Lubrication Management on single window basis [ outsourced model-“A”]
Under this model, customer outsources all Lubrication activities completely to M/s. Global Technical Services. The entire responsibility of Lubrication of the Plant or Mines or both are awarded to M/s. Global Technical Services ( GTS ) on the term contract of 3 to 5 years, which are renewed from time to time.
GTS provides trained man-power and provides all the Lubrication Equipment to ensure contamination-free Lubrication is achieved to the machines. This is to ensure improved mechanical maintenance.
GTS also established at Site “on-site” Oil Testing Laboratory with all ASTM approved Laboratory testing equipment at each Site. With the help of Site Laboratory GTS implements condition based oil change. This leads to Oil Conservation and Cost Cutting in manufacturing.
GTS does the entire operation from an area called the Central Lubrication Cell ( CLC). The Lubrication equipment, including Filtration System, Site Oil Testing Laboratony and Manpower the entire activity is housed at CLC. The CLC is maintained with high degree of cleanliness, ie. Good House Keeping. The entire work at each site is done as per the Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs)
GTS adopts to the entire working and is done according to well-structured Standard Operating Procedures ( SOPs ) and trained man-power, supervisory staff and Site Incharge are to ensure that they do not deviate working from SOPs.
Lubrication Software
GTS has developed Lubrication Software
All the lubrication schedules as per requirement of Plant Maintenance or as prescribed by the OEMs are created in the Lubrication Software schedules on Daily, weekly, Monthly, Quarterly or Annual Lubrication basis are programmed and managed through the Lubrication software. The lubrication software is specially developed by GTS and GTS has ownership of the same.
Condition based Lubrication system
GTS establishes condition based Lubrication system, that means oil is tested before the oil change is undertaken. This ensures oil which is in good condition will continue to work in the machine and not change in time bound as prevalent in many industries. With implementing this type of oil change system 15% to 30% oil conservation has been achieved.
GTS has started adopting industry 4.0. By this, GTS shall be adopting Oil and Machine condition monitoring by installing Censors in the Oil Sumps of critical Machines for Wear Debris Analysis, Moisture in Oil, Sump Oil Temperature and Oil Cleanliness ( NAS Value of ISO-4406).
Censors will be sending Data to Cloud Server and the condition of the machine can be viewed anywhere in the world on hand-held devices. This will be a major step in providing improved services to enhance the life of Oil and Machines.
Our Specialties
Operating Area
We currently operate in the Brooklyn area. Businesses outside of a 20 mile radius may require travel expenses. Please contact for more details.